Bad Gun handling – Scary AK Play

This is some Scary AK Play. It would be so easy for someone to get hurt. I can only hope those AK’s aren’t loaded. If they are that just makes this a hundred times more dangerous.

AK’s and dual piggy back rides don’t mix…ever.

Scary AK Play
Scary AK Play
Proper Grip and Stance = Bad Gun Handling
Safety First

Guns are not toys. Guns are not props for photo shoots. They are dangerous tools. Mishandle them and people will end up hurt.

Why do I show these videos and pictures? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.

Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:

  1. Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
  2. Treat all guns as loaded at all times.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.

This is a clear violation of Rule 2. Giving a double piggy back ride while everyone is waving an AK is not a good way to show you understand rule 2. Guns are not toys!

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Pandemic (2009)

Pandemic is a very common name in this genre, so make sure you are looking at the movie from 2009. Pandemic from 2009 is the story about a cute veterinarian who finds herself in the midst of an infectious outbreak in the small town of Diablo.

This movie is over a decade old at this point, and while you might recognize Ray Wise, who plays General Matthews from what I think is his most iconic role as Leland Palmer in Twin Peaks, most of the other cast members haven’t been in anything super memorable.

Sydney Stevens played by Alesha Rucci, is the town vet, who first encounters the virus when it infects the horse of a local rancher who also happens to be conspiracy theorist.

Sydney does what every good veterinarian does when she hears that a human has been infected, and heads to the coroners office. This kicks off a call to the CDC, which ends up with the military swooping down on the town to isolate it.

Our conspiracy theorist believes the military let loose the virus to test how it impacts humans, and it’s not too long before we get confirmation that at the very least, the military has more knowledge than they let on when the vaccinate the local coroners assistant, who seems to know the players involved suspiciously well.

Pandemic is actually a decent movie if you are in the mood for a suspenseful drama. However, if you’re in the mood for a Zombie movie, don’t let Pandemic fool you. Regardless of the cool images in the promo, this isn’t a zombie movie, so it scores a 1/100, making it Just Bad if your a Zombiephile.

See all Zombie Movies here.

iZombie , Season 2, Episode 2

Zombie Bro has Liv transitioning from a Grumpy Old Man brain to a murdered fraternity brother. While Liv figures out how to live through such a drastic switch up Major has his own problems. The reality of his new role as Zombie Assassin is weighing heavily on his mind.

Do Zombie Assassins Have Guilt?

Spoilers Below

This episodes victim is a dead frat brother. The fact that it is a young college kid motivates Clive to solve the case as fast as possible. He asks Liv to let him know the moment she gets a psychic tingle. What’s a Hot Zombie pretending to be a crime solving psychic to do but make some brain nachos, right?

Brain Nachos Anyone?

Our fallen frat brother was a real douche. Our first potential murderer is a fellow frat brother who’s life was destroyed by a streaking prank.

Poor Clive doesn’t know why Liv is so different from case to case. He just sees her behavior as quirky and strange. He’s willing to put up with it because her “psychic” powers help him solve crimes.

Box Of Chocolates

Major still doesn’t want anything to do with Liv. All while Liv rides out theFrat Douche brains. These new brains have Liv take her new spy roomie to a frat party/wake.

While Liv is playing frat party detective, Major and Ravi decide to experiment with Utopian. This leads to Liv being called to rescue them from the club after they got totally messed up. Don’t do drugs kids.

Giving Me Déjà Vu

Back on the case Clive leads an innocent college girl on a voyage of pain and embarrassment. They investigate if the girl knew she was the ugliest girl at the frat party. This segment hit too close too home. I’m pretty sure I helped a girl win that award at a college party years ago.

Clive then finds the only costume rental that matches the murderer. The two kids they bring in are sweet – even if they are into some kinky stuff.

Meanwhile Blaine decides he wants to get back into the Utopian drug trade. This leads to him picking a fight with the cities main crime boss – who is literally named Mr. Boss.

Back on the case, Clive cracks this one with old fashioned detective work. The reason he couldn’t find any links between the murdered frat brother and the young man who rented the costume was because there weren’t any. The connection was between the other kid with the frat brothers same name.

It was all a case of mistaken identity.

Zombie Bro Scoring

Zombie Bro ends with Major rejecting Liv’s request to see him before he takes a hit of Utopium.

I’m giving Zombie Bro an 80/100 as it had a great twist and loved getting to meet “Princess Sparkles”.

Bad Gun Handling – Too Timid

Handing a Too Timid shooter a large caliber gun is just an epic display of Bad Gun Handling. The shooter is not going to have a good time.

This is how you break a nose or worse.

If you are going to hand someone a pistol, start them with a .22 first, and then make sure you show them the Weaver Stance, and only load a single shot in the clip until they are more comfortable. Not doing this can turn a Too Timid shooter into someone who never wants to go to the range again.

Giving a new user a .45 and not giving them instruction is a sure way to turn someone off the sport forever…

Proper Grip and Stance = Bad Gun Handling
Proper Grip and Stance

Guns are not toys. Guns are not props for photo shoots. They are dangerous tools. Mishandle them and people will end up hurt.

Why do I show these videos and pictures? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.

Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:

  1. Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
  2. Treat all guns as loaded at all times.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.

This is a clear violation of Rule 2.

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iZombie , Season 2, Episode 1

Grumpy Old Liv is the season premiere and jumps right back in where Season 1 left off. Liv’s mom is pissed that she refused to give blood when her brother life depended on it. But how do you explain to your family that you’re a Zombie who craves brains?

Grumpy Old Liv

Spoilers Below

Ravi and Liv then end up at a crime scene where an older gentleman has been crushed.

Crushed By His Car Crush

Our victim’s brains then get turned into meatballs, sharing its memories and attitude with Liv.

Brain Meatballs

While Liv struggles with her Zombiehood, Blaine is a human, working as a mortician.

When Clive comes to collect Liv her Grumpy Old Man brains are in control. She’s not in a great mood but Clive doesn’t care. He’s focused on what happened to Suzuki and how Major may or may not have been involved. Clive knows something isn’t right, he just doesn’t know what it is.

While questioning a tip line witness we get to see exactly who Liv’s Grumpy Old Man brains are impacting her. I for won love it!

Grow A Pair

The witness gives them a bit of info, which also leads to Liv having a vision. Afterwards, Liv and Blaine have a heart to heart. Blaine accuses Liv of liking the thrill of being a “crime solving zombie”. He then realizes that Liv doesn’t have anymore of the cure that she used on him. Liv begs Blaine for more of the tainted Utopium, but he doesn’t really care. At least not until she tells him that the cure may not be permanent. Liv needs more Utopium to make more.

Personal Trainer

With few job options, Major is forced to act as a personal trainer. He doesn’t have any interest in chatting with Liv. At least until she tells him that Clive is on his trail. Clive is suspicious that Major had something to do with all the deaths at Meat Cute in Blaine’s World.

Meanwhile, the source of the Zombie plague is still interested in their next energy drink, Super Max.

Major then has a Zombie moment when he goes to meet his next personal training client – who just happens to be a Zombie.

Clive and Liv then close out there case, figuring out who killed their old man, which turns out horribly sad. A local man killed the old man after he thought the old man had killed his dog. I have to say I totally get it. If you hurt my dogs or cats I’d worry about the consequences later as well.

Grumpy Old Liv ends with Major being pitched by Vaughn Du Clark, the CEO of Max Rager. They both know there are Zombies out there, and Major needs to do something about it.

Worst of all, Major also gets to hear Ravi on the phone, confirming that what Major is experiencing, is real.

This is all overlaid by Major in his new customers house, killing him.

We then get a bomb dropped on us as we realize that Liv’s new roommate is Vaughn Du Clark’s right hand.

Grumpy Old Liv Scoring

Grumpy Old Liv scores an 80/100. It sets the stage for some exciting follow ups, and had some awesome double-entendres splashed about, making this episode Worth Your Time.

Cooties (2014)

Cooties is one of those movies that somehow slipped by me when it came out. I was stunned as I watched it. The cast is full of top notch talent showing off their comedy chops. Cooties has that rare mix of action and humor that is just so hard to find.

Elijah Wood plays Clint, a down on his luck writer who is subbing at his hometown middle school. He’s really an author, but needs to pay the bills as he tries to finish his next book. Once in the school he encounters Lucy, played by Alison Pill. Clint immediately falls for Lucy. Unfortunately for Clint, Lucy is dating Wade, played Rainn Wilson. Wade is the gym teacher, and a smuck.

The first 20 minutes set up the story, but its worth the wait. The kids have been infected with tainted nuggets! This turns them into crazed (more than normal) little monsters who crave human flesh. I love how the movie opens with Wade shooting hoops. He is completely unaware of what is going down behind him.

Playground Snack Attack

Spoilers Below

When Wade finally turns around, he’s surrounded by hungry kids as the rest of the teachers watch from the lounge.

You Can't Eat The Teachers
You Can’t Eat The Teachers

The teachers have a brief moment of hope when a police cruiser pulls up. It doesn’t last long. Wade then puts the surviving teachers in danger. He opens the lounge door, letting the infected in. The teachers are forced to run for it, fleeing up to the second floor, hungry children hot on their heels.

Wade and Clint then go out, each of them having a slightly different strategy for survival. Wade is an Orc, ready for battle, and he accuses Clint of being a little Hobbit – yes he did.

Sneak Around Like A Little Hobit

While the teachers are struggling, the crossing guard (played by Jorge Garcia) is high as a kite. He’s not sure if he’s hallucinating or really seeing the kids tear into the adults. How else can you come to terms with kids turning the playground into a bloodbath?

The creepy science/sex Ed teacher then does an autopsy and comes to the conclusion that only pre pubescent kids are turned into monsters when infected – it’s just the flu for adults and older kids.

From the moment the teachers realize what’s going on, Cooties is non stop action with a ton of one liners thrown in to make you laugh. I had to watch it twice just to make sure I picked up on most of them.

Cooties is everything a good Zombie Comedy should be. There are laughs, but the Zombies are still the focus, and the writers did an awesome job of keeping Cooties fresh and original.

Cooties Scoring

Cooties scored an 89/100 and is Worth Your Time. Elijah Wood may have played the main character, but Rainn Wilson stole the show. Now I get to look forward to Cooties 2 hopefully coming out.

See all Zombie Movies here.

The Walking Dead, Season 2, Episode 13

Beside the Dying Fire is the Season 2 season finale. The episode opens with a feasting horde. As they eat they hear the noise of a helicopter overhead. The noise attracts the undead. The Zombies slowly shuffle in the direction the helicopter is flying.

Hello Copter

Unfortunately for Team Rick, the copter appears to be drawing the ever growing horde towards Hershel’s farm. A few fences aren’t going to stop them.

Zombies Vs Fences – Zombies Win

Even worse, the horde hears the shot that kills Shane. As Rick and Carl walk back to the farm we see the horde approaching in the dark.

Carl & Rick Walking Back To The Farm

Spoilers Below

Back in the house the anxiety grows. Shane and Rick haven’t come back yet, and no one appears to even realize that Carl’s missing. Lori is such a great mom! Come on people, keep track of your kids during the Apocalypse.

It’s not long before everyone realizes what is about to hit them. Rick and Carl hear the horde behind them as Daryl comes out onto the front porch. The horde is coming.

The Horde Approaches

Rick and Carl don’t have an easy path to the house. The horde is too large and is between Rick, Carl, and the house. Just as Rick and Carl reach the barn, Lori realizes that Carl’s not in the main house with her.

The Horde

With not a lot of options Carl and Rick light the barn on fire to stage an escape. Meanwhile Daryl tries to lead the horde away from the house in a vehicle. Setting the barn on fire seems like a really questionable decision. Rick and Carl escape up to the 2nd floor after the RV shows up to save them. Sadly, the RV driver doesn’t survive his rescue mission. It does beg the question. What was the plan if the RV didn’t come to rescue them and the building is on fire?

It doesn’t take long for the majority of the survivors to realize they need to flee. Hershel tries to put up a fight but just ends up wasting shotgun shells. The horde was too large for a single old guy to defeat. (I could have done it however!)

Hershel Wasting Ammunition

People are dying as the survivors are overwhelmed by the horde.

Hershel almost gets bitten, but Rick is there to save him. It is a sad day for Hershel. The farm is lost. The Zombie horde is just too big. Everyone flees, stranding Andrea and Carol. Thankfully Daryll is there to save Carol after he hears her screaming.

The farm has been overrun.

They Morning After

As the sun rises, the survivors come to grips with what they have lost. Glen and Maggie are alone in a vehicle. Glen tells Maggie that he loves her as she breaks down in fear. She has no way of knowing if her father and sister are still alive.

As the survivors slowly regroup right back where everything started, on the highway where they lost Sophia.

As the now much smaller Team Rick drives off we cut over to Andrea, fleeing through the woods, pursued by Zombies as she runs through the trees.

Team Rick is forced to pull over so they can try and organize a resupply mission. As they are planning, Rick is forced to tell the other survivors that they all carry the virus. If you die, you turn. Rick then tells Lori that he was forced to kill Shane after Shane lured him out in the woods to ambush him. Lori, being Lori, reacts with anger, instead of compassion. It has to suck when your husband kills your baby daddy right?

Back in the woods, Andrea is out of ammo and exhausted, and is about to get bit. She is rescued by an epic newcomer, Michonne.


Team Rick is sitting by their fire when they hear something moving in the dark. People are panicking, afraid and unsure. The tension causes Rick to lose his cool. He rages. Angry that he killed his best friend to protect them all. Or least that is how he sees it.

Rick finishes his rant, bringing everyone back to reality. Then the camera slowly pans away until we see the Prison in the distance.

The Prison

Beside the Dying Fire Score

Beside the Dying Fire was not just the Season 2 finale, but was also an amazingly powerful episode with tons of action. It also gave us a little taste of what is to come in Season 3 to keep us hooked. Beside the Dying Fire scores a 100/100, and is Worth Your Time.

Bad Gun Handling – Down The Barrel

Never look Down The Barrel of a weapon unless its disassembled and triple checked as cleared. Don’t end up as a splatter on a mirror.

Thumb on the trigger? Looking down the barrel of a 45?

Don’t do this. If you need to inspect the barrel, unload the weapon, remove the slide, and examine the barrel with a bore scope. If you really need to? Because why else would you be trying to look down the barrel?

Be safe, be well, and don’t handle firearms if you don’t know how to do so safely.

Proper Grip and Stance = Bad Gun Handling
Proper Grip and Stance

Guns are not toys. Guns are not props for photo shoots. They are dangerous tools. Mishandle them and people will end up hurt.

Why do I show these videos and pictures? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.

Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:

  1. Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
  2. Treat all guns as loaded at all times.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.

This is a clear violation of Rule 2.

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The Walking Dead, Season 2, Episode 12

Better Angels opens with Rick eulogizing Dale. He remembers their fallen friend as the team is out in the fields taking their rage out on some Zombies.

Shane’s Shovel Kill

When we come back from the first commercial break Hershel has rethought his decision about the house. It will be safer and more defensible if everyone is together.

Carl finally does something smart (for a change) and gives the .45 he took from Daryl’s motorcycle to Shane.

Back at the house, Maggie invites Glen to put his stuff in her room. He declines, saying it is because of Hershel. Both Maggie and Glen look unhappy about it.

Out in the field Lori approaches Shane, and admits that the baby could be his or Rick’s. Sorry, if you screw around so much there could be multiple baby daddies, that’s not good. Sorry, I guess I’m old fashioned like that.

Who’s The Daddy?

Lori then has an emotional moment with Shane, but why not screw with the unstable dudes head a little bit? Shane then goes back to the house and gives Rick a guilt trip over the prisoner drop versus talking to Carl about Dale’s death. It was effective though. Rick goes to comfort Carl.

Shane uses the distraction to go collect the prisoner and lead him off into the woods all so he can stage a fake jail break and claim the kid stole his gun. The plan works, as Daryl get’s exactly what he wants. Team Rick is now out for blood, not willing to let the kid go, especially if he’s armed.

I do love the fact that Daryl’s not buying what Shane is selling. He can smell the BS from a mile away.

Daryl Not Buying Shane’s BS

Shane eventually loops back to the start of the trail and finds the dual tracks of Shane and the prisoner. Something isn’t quite making sense. The two of them then find the prisoner, or rather, the Zombie Prisoner finds them, and Daryl can tell the kid had his neck broken – and has no bites.

Just about when Daryl is realizing Shane might be up to something really bad, Shane and Rick are walking in the dark, and Shane is telling him to walk in front of him. Rick’s years as a cop are telling him something is off as they walk and talk. He knows that Shane is leading him out to ambush him.

Rick Calling Shane Out

Rick asks Shane why, and Shane tells him the truth. Did Rick really think they were just going to make friends after everything that happened? Rick is such an idiot here. Come on, the guy f*cked your wife, and is willing to kill you to keep doing it. Put a bullet in Shane and be done with it.

Rick finally does something right. After luring Shane into a sense of security by putting his gun down he puts a knife into Shane’s belly. Good for you Rick.

Then things get a little silly, as Carl somehow finds Rick over Shane’s body, just in time for Shane to reanimate and save Rick.

Unfortunately for everyone, the shot rings out through the woods, and we see lots of Zombies turning towards the noise, setting us up for the season finale.

Better Angels Scoring

Better Angels scored a 75/100, making it Worth Your Time. The last few minutes are intense and awesome, but the lead up is a little slow, which cost the episode some points.

G – Zombie (2021)

G – Zombie is a movie shot in India. I don’t mind reading subtitles, so I was more than happy to give the movie a shot. I turned it on, and did my best to follow along.

The movie, regardless of everything else, is slow to get to a boil. But the main issue is the language barrier. Maybe this movie makes perfect sense if you are a native Hindi speaker, but the subtitles appear to have been generated by a very bad auto interpretation system? Or maybe someone who barely speaks English and likes to drink?

Example 1:

“What work you have with these people, go?”

Example 2:

Feels the urge to eat her…

The movie has a plot, but the constant guessing at what the actors are actually saying makes it hard to enjoy.

G – Zombie Scoring

G – Zombie scored a 15/100 putting in in the Just Bad category. Keep looking – unless your drunk and just want to enjoy some really bad translations.

If you are looking for a good Zombie Movie, I’d keep looking. If you are looking for something a bit off the beaten path I’d suggest Cockneys Vs. Zombies.

See all Zombie Movies here.