Gatorade Powder Packets

While water is critical to survival, Gatorade Thirst Quencher Powder Packets is critical to performance. When activity has sapped your energy, there is nothing like recharging with a few sips of Gatorade. Best of all, these Gatorade Thirst Quencher Powder Packets are super portable, meaning you can take them everywhere. I am never more than a bottle of water and a Gatorade Powder Packet away from being able to hydrate and fuel up.

Survival is about being prepared. When your pace slows and and your legs feel like rubber, its time to pour a Gatorade Powder Packet into your canteen and shake. The electrolytes and carbs will help you get back on your feet faster so you can keep moving.

The carbohydrates are easy to digest and your body quickly and easily turns them into energy. Whether you are pushing your workouts hard or fleeing cross country after a natural disaster, Gatorade Packets are exactly what your body needs after you’ve sweated through your shirt.


Gatorade Powder Packets are easy to throw into a pouch or pocket, making them perfect to recharge when you are on the go. When it comes to survival, you can’t afford to slow down because you are thirsty!

If you are a diabetic, there is also a sugar free version here.

These Packets are light, easy to carry, and can turn any water into a life saving treat. It doesn’t hurt that they also taste great!

  • 80 (1.23oz) packets of Gatorade Thirst Quencher Powder.
  • Each packet makes 20oz of Gatorade.
  • Contains critical electrolytes to help replace what’s lost in sweat.
  • Contains carbohydrate energy, your body’s preferred source of fuel
  • Tested in the lab and used by the pros.
  • Easy to take wherever you go.

Food/Cooking Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System980AquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System<br />
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingHigh-Capacity Water Filter System975High-Capacity Water Filter System$120
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw with Gravity Bag970LifeStraw with Gravity Bag$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Water Storage Tanks928Emergency Water Storage Tanks$1350
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingWater Purification Tablets922Water Purification Tablets$10
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBulk Sea Salt917Bulk Sea Salt$37
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Garden Seed Pack916Survival Garden Seed Pack$32
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw Personal Water Filter915LifeStraw Personal Water Filter$18
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Survival Water Pouches910Emergency Survival Water Pouches$34
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMojave Hydration Backpack902Mojave Hydration Backpack$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCollapsible 2 QT Water Canteen901Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen$22
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPinto Beans871Pinto Beans$63
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLong Grain White Rice870Long Grain White Rice$59
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Ground Beef817Cooked Ground Beef$75
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Coffee816Survival Coffee$115
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTree Stand806Tree Stand$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Diced Chicken804Cooked Diced Chicken$55
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Kit803Emergency Food Kit$120
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSouthwest Chili Mix802Southwest Chili Mix$37
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking15 Day Food Supply80115 Day Food Supply$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingInstant Nonfat Dry Milk799Instant Nonfat Dry Milk$21
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGame Processor Kit783Game Processor Kit$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Rations763Emergency Food Rations$90
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Potato Shreds762Dehydrated Potato Shreds$27
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTundra Portable Wheeled Cooler725Tundra Portable Wheeled Cooler$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCut Resistant Gloves680Cut Resistant Gloves$10
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingButter Powder656Butter Powder$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Chopped Onions655Dehydrated Chopped Onions$12
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTravel Refrigerator537Travel Refrigerator$390
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingJerky Seasoning Kit533Jerky Seasoning Kit$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFood Dehydrator527Food Dehydrator$140
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPeanut Butter Powder517Peanut Butter Powder$17
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Pot Backpacking Mug514Titanium Pot Backpacking Mug$51
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSPAM366SPAM$33
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBiscuits & Gravy351Biscuits & Gravy$10
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGatorade Powder Packets350Gatorade Powder Packets$26
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingScrambled Egg Mix310Scrambled Egg Mix$57
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGas/Electric Chest Freezer301Gas/Electric Chest Freezer$1650
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSoy Sauce279Soy Sauce$23
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooking Tripod275Cooking Tripod$43
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAluminum Camping Cookware Set273Aluminum Camping Cookware Set$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFreeze Dried Sliced Strawberries266Freeze Dried Sliced Strawberries$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMolle Water Bottle Pouch263Molle Water Bottle Pouch$11
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPortable Butane Stove259Portable Butane Stove$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingNeoprene Water Bottle Holder253Neoprene Water Bottle Holder$16
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug250YETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSugar Packets248Sugar Packets$19
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Ice Pick232Titanium Ice Pick$50
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking6 Gallon Water Containers2146 Gallon Water Containers$35
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Hip Flask192Titanium Hip Flask$50
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler 14 oz Mug191YETI Rambler 14 oz Mug$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCookware Mess Kit189Cookware Mess Kit$56
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPre-Seasoned Dutch Oven181Pre-Seasoned Dutch Oven$45
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFolding Campfire Grill179Folding Campfire Grill$87
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSingle Serving Coffee Packs176Single Serving Coffee Packs$135
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingRootbeer Can Diversion Safe103Rootbeer Can Diversion Safe$13
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingChocolate Milk Mix97Chocolate Milk Mix$28
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFishing Rod Storage50Fishing Rod Storage<br />
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Spork And Spoon26Titanium Spork And Spoon$17
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

Long Grain White Rice

When it comes to stocking up for natural disasters this Long Grain White Rice is a must have staple.

When it comes to flexible, bulk food, you can’t beat Rice. It goes with just about everything and can be a side or the main course. If you are lucky enough to have an egg you can stir fry some rice. Trap or hunt some small game? Extend that protein with some Long Grain White Rice. Stretch out more expensive or harder to acquire food stores with cheap and maybe more importantly, delicious Rice.

Have kids? Make some Rice Pudding or just mix it with milk and honey for a cereal replacement.

I keep Long Grain White Rice at my house, and several more at my bolt hole. Because it’s easy to cook, and has a shelf life of 30 years, I know it will be there in the event of any natural disaster to keep me and my family fed. Every few years I cycle the oldest containers and we just eat them.


Long Grain White Rice is just an amazingly flexible foodstuff. If you have the space, I recommend getting two Pails per person to start with. If you need them, you will be thanking me. When it comes to survival this Rice can have a high impact on your survival by keeping your energy up.

  • 231 servings
  • 39, 270 calories
  • Certified gluten-free
  • Perfect for food storage, emergencies, survival, camping, and everyday use!
  • Up to a 30 year shelf life!

Food/Cooking Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System980AquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System<br />
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingHigh-Capacity Water Filter System975High-Capacity Water Filter System$120
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw with Gravity Bag970LifeStraw with Gravity Bag$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Water Storage Tanks928Emergency Water Storage Tanks$1350
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingWater Purification Tablets922Water Purification Tablets$10
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBulk Sea Salt917Bulk Sea Salt$37
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Garden Seed Pack916Survival Garden Seed Pack$32
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw Personal Water Filter915LifeStraw Personal Water Filter$18
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Survival Water Pouches910Emergency Survival Water Pouches$34
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMojave Hydration Backpack902Mojave Hydration Backpack$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCollapsible 2 QT Water Canteen901Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen$22
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPinto Beans871Pinto Beans$63
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLong Grain White Rice870Long Grain White Rice$59
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Ground Beef817Cooked Ground Beef$75
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Coffee816Survival Coffee$115
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTree Stand806Tree Stand$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Diced Chicken804Cooked Diced Chicken$55
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Kit803Emergency Food Kit$120
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSouthwest Chili Mix802Southwest Chili Mix$37
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking15 Day Food Supply80115 Day Food Supply$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingInstant Nonfat Dry Milk799Instant Nonfat Dry Milk$21
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGame Processor Kit783Game Processor Kit$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Rations763Emergency Food Rations$90
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Potato Shreds762Dehydrated Potato Shreds$27
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTundra Portable Wheeled Cooler725Tundra Portable Wheeled Cooler$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCut Resistant Gloves680Cut Resistant Gloves$10
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingButter Powder656Butter Powder$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Chopped Onions655Dehydrated Chopped Onions$12
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTravel Refrigerator537Travel Refrigerator$390
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingJerky Seasoning Kit533Jerky Seasoning Kit$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFood Dehydrator527Food Dehydrator$140
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPeanut Butter Powder517Peanut Butter Powder$17
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Pot Backpacking Mug514Titanium Pot Backpacking Mug$51
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSPAM366SPAM$33
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBiscuits & Gravy351Biscuits & Gravy$10
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGatorade Powder Packets350Gatorade Powder Packets$26
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingScrambled Egg Mix310Scrambled Egg Mix$57
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGas/Electric Chest Freezer301Gas/Electric Chest Freezer$1650
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSoy Sauce279Soy Sauce$23
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooking Tripod275Cooking Tripod$43
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAluminum Camping Cookware Set273Aluminum Camping Cookware Set$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFreeze Dried Sliced Strawberries266Freeze Dried Sliced Strawberries$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMolle Water Bottle Pouch263Molle Water Bottle Pouch$11
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPortable Butane Stove259Portable Butane Stove$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingNeoprene Water Bottle Holder253Neoprene Water Bottle Holder$16
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug250YETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSugar Packets248Sugar Packets$19
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Ice Pick232Titanium Ice Pick$50
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking6 Gallon Water Containers2146 Gallon Water Containers$35
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Hip Flask192Titanium Hip Flask$50
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler 14 oz Mug191YETI Rambler 14 oz Mug$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCookware Mess Kit189Cookware Mess Kit$56
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPre-Seasoned Dutch Oven181Pre-Seasoned Dutch Oven$45
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFolding Campfire Grill179Folding Campfire Grill$87
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSingle Serving Coffee Packs176Single Serving Coffee Packs$135
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingRootbeer Can Diversion Safe103Rootbeer Can Diversion Safe$13
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingChocolate Milk Mix97Chocolate Milk Mix$28
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFishing Rod Storage50Fishing Rod Storage<br />
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Spork And Spoon26Titanium Spork And Spoon$17
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

Tundra Ballistic Bib Overall

My Tundra Ballistic Bib Overall has lasted years. I’ve worn it through snowstorms, sleet and freezing rain, and just bitterly cold days and it has kept me warm throughout. If you are going to be dealing with cold weather, you can’t go wrong by putting on this Tundra Ballistic Bib Overall.

When you order your Tundra Ballistic Bib Overall remember to check your size, and go one bigger, especially if you expect really cold weather. The reason? You want to leave room for layers. Don’t worry about them falling off. They have over the shoulder straps, so even if you need take a few layers off they won’t fall off.

Unless you want to freeze when you need to be outside for extended periods of time, these Overalls are critical. They are designed to be durable and are great for cold weather camping, hiking, and hunting. I love to shoot clays, and some of the best days I’ve had at the range are cold and wet. There is just nothing like being out when everyone else stayed home. It makes me feel like I have the whole place to myself.


When you need to stay warm in the coldest weather, be prepared for the snow and biting winds with these Tundra Ballistic Bib Overalls. I’ve found that paring these Overalls with my Columbia Watertight Jacket gives me protection down to below freezing. After that I switch out the lighter jacket for a winter jacket and heavy gloves and I’m good to go into the negative digits.

Be prepared for cold weather survival, keep a set of these Overalls with your gear!

  • 100% Nylon Thermalock Fabric.
  • 100% Polyester Ballisitic Oxford ThermaLock™ Fabric.
  • 85 Grams ThermaTech™ insulation that keeps warmth in and cold out.
  • Critical seams are sealed to keep you dry.
  • Built with reinforced seat, knees, friction and scuff guards.
  • Boot Gaiters form a seamless integration with boots to keep warmth in…and moisture out
  • 20″ Boot Zipper for easy on and off over boots
  • Articulated knees for comfort
  • Reflective webbing for safety and nighttime visibility

Survival Clothing

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingWindstopper Water Repellent Hunting Jacket919Windstopper Water Repellent Hunting Jacket$360
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingTrail Shoes891Trail Shoes$100
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingColumbia Watertight Jacket805Columbia Watertight Jacket$50
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingBallistic Goggles752Ballistic Goggles$44
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingShooting Gloves745Shooting Gloves$14
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingWaterproof Boots686Waterproof Boots$87
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingTactical Gloves685Tactical Gloves$28
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingMosquito & Tick Protection Pants604Mosquito & Tick Protection Pants$44
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingFlannel Lined Jeans524Flannel Lined Jeans$100
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingCompact Water-Resistant EDC Pouch523Compact Water-Resistant EDC Pouch$14
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingShooting Vest520Shooting Vest$36
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingMosquito Repellent Suit519Mosquito Repellent Suit$23
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingLeather Motorcycle Jacket518Leather Motorcycle Jacket$350
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingWaterproof /Windproof Rain Pants515Waterproof /Windproof Rain Pants$35
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingWinter Leather Gloves511Winter Leather Gloves$28
High Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingLight Hiking Socks504Light Hiking Socks$30
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingTundra Ballistic Bib Overall470Tundra Ballistic Bib Overall$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingCooling UPF 50 Bucket Hat410Cooling UPF 50 Bucket Hat$20
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingUPF 50+ Sun Bandana405UPF 50+ Sun Bandana$20
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingLeather Work Gloves400Leather Work Gloves$27
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingLightweight Woodland Ghillie Suit315Lightweight Woodland Ghillie Suit$118
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingBDU/ACU Cargo Pants305BDU/ACU Cargo Pants
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingTravel Underwear267Travel Underwear$27
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingQuick-Dry UV Protection Shirt261Quick-Dry UV Protection Shirt$32
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingEvaporative Cooling Vest260Evaporative Cooling Vest$31
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingEvaporative Cooling Towel255Evaporative Cooling Towel$8
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingHot Weather Uniform Shirt252Hot Weather Uniform Shirt$59
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingRain Poncho244Rain Poncho$23
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingSki Jacket243Ski Jacket$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingWinter Hat with Brim242Winter Hat with Brim$19
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingUPF 50+ Sun Protection Hoodie225UPF 50+ Sun Protection Hoodie$27
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingSnake Gaiters205Snake Gaiters$32
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingUPF 50+ Fishing Gloves200UPF 50+ Fishing Gloves$12
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingTravel Belt196Travel Belt$25
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingHiking Shorts190Hiking Shorts$50
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingTactical Belt188Tactical Belt$20
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingNeck Warmer66Neck Warmer<br />
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingMoney Clip Knife65Money Clip Knife$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingSewing Kit52Sewing Kit$23
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingPolarized Sunglasses30Polarized Sunglasses$23
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ClothingStainless Steel Chain20Stainless Steel Chain$34
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit

When it comes to surviving a natural disaster, being able to stay on the move is critical. The power is out. The grocery stores are empty. People are panicking. You better be able to make your way to you to your bolt hole – only now you have to walk instead of driving. That means this BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit can have a high impact on your survival. Most of us don’t walk as much as we should. A blister can not only limit your ability to continue marching, but can lead to infections and other complications. I keep a BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit with my hiking gear as well as my bug out bag.

I also keep one with my suit case and this Blister Kit has made me a hero on so many trips. People decide to get active and go walking, hiking, running, or a hundred other activities without a lot of prep. That leads to blisters, and there is nothing that will ruin a day like being a few miles out, and knowing there is nothing to do but grit your teeth and keep walking.

A few years ago I was in Vegas for a conference and after people found out I had my BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit with me I had no less than three people ask me if I could help them.

Don’t be in pain every step, or let another member of your group suffer, keep your BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit with your gear wherever you go!

  • Compact and light.
  • Includes 60 blister care and protection items.
  • Includes gel toe protectors, anti-friction patches and sterile plasters.
  • Perfect protection for active lifestyles.
  • Blister protection for wide feet, flat feet, bunions, hammertoes.
  • Includes pouch for easy transport.

First Aid Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearBleeding Control Gauze Roll924Bleeding Control Gauze Roll$29
Extreme Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearPortable Tourniquets923Portable Tourniquets$10
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearHoney875Honey$99
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearComprehensive First Aid Kit830Comprehensive First Aid Kit$25
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearBlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit820BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearWoundSeal Topical Powder755WoundSeal Topical Powder$12
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearEmergency Laceration Closures603Emergency Laceration Closures$25
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearMobile First Aid Kit506Mobile First Aid Kit$55
Moderate Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearMOLLE Medical Pouch270MOLLE Medical Pouch$23
Low Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearLiquid Bandage Spray185Liquid Bandage Spray$6
Low Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearAntimicrobial Soap96Antimicrobial Soap$20
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

Sherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket

This Sherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket may be the perfect camping blanket. It is warm, durable, and the waterproof shell on the outside means that I can put it down on wet ground and not worry about it getting soaked through. I don’t care what season it is, I keep a Sherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket when I’m out camping, hiking, and hunting because hypothermia sucks. Even if its a warm day, a little bit of rain cand wind can rapidly leave you shivering. Nothing like a nice Camping Blanket to get and stay warm.

It also means that if the weather turns really nasty I can wrap it around me like a cloak with the Waterproof shell facing out. If thing get nasty, and sometimes that is a surprise, you’ll be glad you have this Camping Blanket.

Be prepared, keep Camping Blanket with your gear and in your vehicle. The person you save may be a loved!

  • 100% waterproof backing.
  • Perfect outdoor blanket for all outdoor activities.
  • Incredibly durable water and windproof backing.
  • Warm as a wool throw and as insulated as a winter jacket.

Survival Camping Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearEmergency Blanket921Emergency Blanket$25
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearFire Starters905Fire Starters$27
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping Gear9 Person Cabin Tent8609 Person Cabin Tent$200
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearBushcraft Knife825Bushcraft Knife$82
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping Gear9-Hour Candles5359-Hour Candles$30
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearInternal Frame Backpack525Internal Frame Backpack$80
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearFerro Rod Fire Starter513Ferro Rod Fire Starter$17
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearTitanium Canteen512Titanium Canteen$89
High Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearCampfire Cup Coffee Pot502Campfire Cup Coffee Pot$50
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearSherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket460Sherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket$70
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearInsect Protection Net455Insect Protection Net$25
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearBackpacking Trowel272Backpacking Trowel$16
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearCamping Table258Camping Table$72
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearPortable Camping Stove257Portable Camping Stove$160
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearHammock247Hammock$26
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearWeatherproof Pen236Weatherproof Pen$18
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearWeatherproof Notebook235Weatherproof Notebook$7
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearCamp Kitchen Knife Set213Camp Kitchen Knife Set$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearBiodegradable Body Wipes212Biodegradable Body Wipes$14
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearWaterproof Dry Bags209Waterproof Dry Bags$30
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearBackpacking Rain Fly208Backpacking Rain Fly$38
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearLightweight Hiking Backpack199Lightweight Hiking Backpack$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearWarm Weather Sleeping Bag198Warm Weather Sleeping Bag$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearSun Canopy Shade Sail197Sun Canopy Shade Sail$42
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearCamping Towels195Camping Towels$35
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearExtreme Heat Resistant BBQ Gloves183Extreme Heat Resistant BBQ Gloves$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearPop Up Privacy Tent182Pop Up Privacy Tent$45
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearUtility Bucket180Utility Bucket$40
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearPortable Camping Chair101Portable Camping Chair$100
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearColor Changing Packets for Fires100Color Changing Packets for Fires$12
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearBunk Bed Cots25Bunk Bed Cots$426
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearPortable Toilet12Portable Toilet$50
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Camping GearCatch Phrase Game2Catch Phrase Game$24
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

See all Survival Gear.

Sven-Saw Folding Saw

When it comes to survival, this Sven-Saw 15″ Folding Saw can save your life. What do you do when the trail is blocked by fallen tree limbs? You pull out this Sven-Saw 15″ Folding Saw and get to work. It folds down into a small, easy to store package and weigh in at just over 11 ounces. It might be designed to be a camping/hiking saw, but this Saw gets the job done so well I keep one in my vehicle for emergency use as well.

I have another Sven-Saw Folding Saw in my bug out bag. If I need to cut firewood to cook, this Saw has me covered. What if I get stranded and need to make a leen-to? It is so much easier to cut down limbs with a Saw than an axe.

It is also perfect for cutting down saplings for fence posts and general off the grid construction. Because it is so portable, I generally take it everywhere when I go hiking and camping. Having the ability to turn trees into raw building material starts with the ability to cut them down.

Sven-Saw Folding Saw Scoring

This Folding Saw can have a high impact on your survival. Whether you need to build a shelter, make a palisade, or just cut wood for your fire, you need this Saw. Which is why it earned a 751/1000.

  • All metal – Crafted from the highest quality materials. Built to last
  • Perfect for everything from yardwork to wilderness
  • Made in the United States for almost 60 years!
  • High-visibility red, so you won’t leave it behind
  • Only 11.1 ounces!

Survival Tools

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsPortable Female Urinal914Portable Female Urinal$10
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSurvival Axe904Survival Axe$45
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsGrass Sickle903Grass Sickle$18
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsHunting Tree Stand875Hunting Tree Stand$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsDemolition Wrecking Bar810Demolition Wrecking Bar$78
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSports Wagon761Sports Wagon$92
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSven-Saw Folding Saw751Sven-Saw Folding Saw$42
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsFirewood Splitter730Firewood Splitter$90
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsFraming Hammer600Framing Hammer$35
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsMechanics Tool Set550Mechanics Tool Set$90
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsMultitool540Multitool$120
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsPEX Pipe Crimping Tool Kit536PEX Pipe Crimping Tool Kit$62
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsCamp Shovel510Camp Shovel$27
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsHeavy-Duty Pipe Wrench507Heavy-Duty Pipe Wrench$18
High Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsChemical Light Sticks501Chemical Light Sticks$22
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsTelescopic Extension Ladder360Telescopic Extension Ladder$125
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsHand Auger Drill277Hand Auger Drill$43
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsCross Cut Hand Saw274Cross Cut Hand Saw$24
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsParacord269Paracord$11
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsPocket Duct Tape268Pocket Duct Tape$14
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsFull Respirаtor Face Mask265Full Respirаtor Face Mask$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsLever Opening Tool264Lever Opening Tool$60
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsWater Bottle Safe262Water Bottle Safe$22
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsPocket Window Punch254Pocket Window Punch$16
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsHeavy Duty Button Master241Heavy Duty Button Master$50
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Tools100-Lumen Pen Light239100-Lumen Pen Light$23
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Tools8-Pound Sledge Hammer2318-Pound Sledge Hammer$38
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsFolding Shovel227Folding Shovel$26
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSnatch Block221Snatch Block$33
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsRatchet Strap Kit220Ratchet Strap Kit$32
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsFolding Hand Truck218Folding Hand Truck$60
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsWeatherproof Magnetic Case217Weatherproof Magnetic Case$20
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsClip On Visor Light215Clip On Visor Light$12
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsGeekey Multi-Tool211Geekey Multi-Tool$20
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSafety Flares207Safety Flares$75
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsFraming Nailer204Framing Nailer$77
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsAir Compressor203Air Compressor$170
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsLarge Portable Storage Boxes202Large Portable Storage Boxes$225
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsOutdoor Extension Cord201Outdoor Extension Cord$31
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsOverhead Garage Storage Rack187Overhead Garage Storage Rack$130
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsDrilling And Driving Kit178Drilling And Driving Kit$99
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsHair Clippers177Hair Clippers$57
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSoft Sided Tool Bag174Soft Sided Tool Bag$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsSecret Stash Planter102Secret Stash Planter$36
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsTorch Lighter99Torch Lighter$9
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsLumber Storage Rack98Lumber Storage Rack$36
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsPower Tools Storage60Power Tools Storage$105
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsMultifold Hand Towels27Multifold Hand Towels$33
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsHeavy-Duty Storage Straps11Heavy-Duty Storage Straps$17
Low Survival ImpactSurvival ToolsGarage Utility Hooks10Garage Utility Hooks$30
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

Gas/Electric Chest Freezer

This Gas/Electric Chest Freezer is a must have for every off grid cabin. Combine this Freezer with a solar system with LP gas backup and you are set. Store all the food you can while the hunting is good, and you can eat well through the thin times. Best of all you can set this up anywhere. No power grid required.

When it comes to surviving the warm weather, being able to keep your food frozen is critical. It will extend the shelf life, while also reducing the risk of it turning. It also means being able to make ice, which you can use to fill up your YETI Cooler and range as far as you need to while hunting and fishing. If your goal is off grid survival in the warm weather, this Chest Freezer can make all the difference.

Having the ability to make ice, and keep food cold during the worst of the heat is critical. Food goes bad really quickly when its triple digit plus temps, but with this Chest Freezer you will be set to handle it.

The first thing to go during a natural disaster or the Apocalypse is the power. With this Gas/Electric Chest Freezer you don’t have to worry about the power grid going down. Switch over to LP and you don’t have to worry about the hundreds of dollars of frozen food in your Freezer going bad. When the Zombie Apocalypse starts, this Gas/Electric Chest Freezer will be worth its weight in gold. There will be plenty of LP around. Just scavenge every backyard grill’s tank and you are set.

Gas/Electric Chest Freezer Scoring

This Gas/Electric Chest Freezer can have a Moderate Impact on your survival and scores a 301/1000.

Extend your food storage and have ice for you drinks even years after the power grid has been down.

Don’t let the number fool you. Being on the list of top thousand survival gear items is a big deal. Just being on the list makes this critical gear.

  • Propane Freezer, uses LP gas or AC 110V.
  • 39.6″ W x 27.6″ D x 35.8″H.
  • Consumes 1.9lb/24 of LP Gas.
  • Fridge Capacity:7.1 cubic feet.

Food/Cooking Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System980AquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System<br />
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingHigh-Capacity Water Filter System975High-Capacity Water Filter System$120
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw with Gravity Bag970LifeStraw with Gravity Bag$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Water Storage Tanks928Emergency Water Storage Tanks$1350
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingWater Purification Tablets922Water Purification Tablets$10
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBulk Sea Salt917Bulk Sea Salt$37
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Garden Seed Pack916Survival Garden Seed Pack$32
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw Personal Water Filter915LifeStraw Personal Water Filter$18
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Survival Water Pouches910Emergency Survival Water Pouches$34
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMojave Hydration Backpack902Mojave Hydration Backpack$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCollapsible 2 QT Water Canteen901Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen$22
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPinto Beans871Pinto Beans$63
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLong Grain White Rice870Long Grain White Rice$59
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Ground Beef817Cooked Ground Beef$75
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Coffee816Survival Coffee$115
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTree Stand806Tree Stand$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Diced Chicken804Cooked Diced Chicken$55
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Kit803Emergency Food Kit$120
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSouthwest Chili Mix802Southwest Chili Mix$37
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking15 Day Food Supply80115 Day Food Supply$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingInstant Nonfat Dry Milk799Instant Nonfat Dry Milk$21
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGame Processor Kit783Game Processor Kit$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Rations763Emergency Food Rations$90
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Potato Shreds762Dehydrated Potato Shreds$27
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTundra Portable Wheeled Cooler725Tundra Portable Wheeled Cooler$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCut Resistant Gloves680Cut Resistant Gloves$10
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingButter Powder656Butter Powder$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Chopped Onions655Dehydrated Chopped Onions$12
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTravel Refrigerator537Travel Refrigerator$390
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingJerky Seasoning Kit533Jerky Seasoning Kit$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFood Dehydrator527Food Dehydrator$140
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPeanut Butter Powder517Peanut Butter Powder$17
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Pot Backpacking Mug514Titanium Pot Backpacking Mug$51
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSPAM366SPAM$33
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBiscuits & Gravy351Biscuits & Gravy$10
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGatorade Powder Packets350Gatorade Powder Packets$26
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingScrambled Egg Mix310Scrambled Egg Mix$57
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGas/Electric Chest Freezer301Gas/Electric Chest Freezer$1650
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSoy Sauce279Soy Sauce$23
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooking Tripod275Cooking Tripod$43
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAluminum Camping Cookware Set273Aluminum Camping Cookware Set$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFreeze Dried Sliced Strawberries266Freeze Dried Sliced Strawberries$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMolle Water Bottle Pouch263Molle Water Bottle Pouch$11
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPortable Butane Stove259Portable Butane Stove$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingNeoprene Water Bottle Holder253Neoprene Water Bottle Holder$16
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug250YETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSugar Packets248Sugar Packets$19
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Ice Pick232Titanium Ice Pick$50
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking6 Gallon Water Containers2146 Gallon Water Containers$35
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Hip Flask192Titanium Hip Flask$50
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler 14 oz Mug191YETI Rambler 14 oz Mug$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCookware Mess Kit189Cookware Mess Kit$56
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPre-Seasoned Dutch Oven181Pre-Seasoned Dutch Oven$45
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFolding Campfire Grill179Folding Campfire Grill$87
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSingle Serving Coffee Packs176Single Serving Coffee Packs$135
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingRootbeer Can Diversion Safe103Rootbeer Can Diversion Safe$13
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingChocolate Milk Mix97Chocolate Milk Mix$28
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFishing Rod Storage50Fishing Rod Storage<br />
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Spork And Spoon26Titanium Spork And Spoon$17
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.


Virus:32 follows a well trodden path, with a small twist. A virus is flooding the streets of Montevideo with fast, violent Zombies. The twist? After they attack the Zombies need 32 seconds to recover their stamina.


Virus:32 has two main characters. The mother, Iris, is played by Paula Silva, and the tween daughter, Tata, is played by Pilar Garcia Ayala. On the day the outbreak begins, Iris brings Tata to work, which is apparently watching over an abandoned school. She might be a security guard, but not one who is supplied a firearm.

Iris sees her first signs that something isn’t right around the 17 minute mark when she looks out a window to see one man beating another violently. Her response is perfect, as she calls the police to report it, instead of going to investigate it herself.

Virus:32 has excellent cinematography. It has a minimalistic style that often enhances the movie. One of my favorite moments is when the camera pans to the security monitors and we see someone enter the school.

Its just after this, at around the 21:30 mark that things start to get good. The Zombies are in the building, and Iris has a mission. She has to get to her daughter, and then save both them if she can.


Virus:32 has excellent production values. The whole 32 second delay, which is a core of the movie is shown to us, instead of being told to us, which earned it points in my book.

Overall, the movie earned a 62/100, making it a perfect Rainy Day Movie. The main drivers are how much the movie feels like a mix up of some truly great movies. It has a bit of 28 Day Later, then Dawn of the Dead (2004) as the middle of the movie really focuses on the whole Zombie Momma and baby. The ending was okay, but felt like it tried to hard to get an emotional rise out of me.

Let me know in the comments if you agree.

Zombieland2010100Comedy / Action
Train To Busan2016100Action / Infection
28 Days Later2002100Action / Infection
World War Z2013100Action / Infection
Night Of The Living Dead1968100Action / Horror / Classics
Dawn Of The Dead1978100Action / Horror / Classics
#Alive2020100Action / Infection
Serenity200599Action / Sci-Fi
Flesh And Blood201899Shorts
The Girl With All The Gifts201695Action / Infection
Land Of The Dead200594Action / Horror
Resident Evil: Apocalypse200493Action / Infection
Resident Evil200292Action / Infection
Rampant201891Action / Infection / Mid Evil
Day of the Dead200890Action / Infection
Cooties201489Comedy / Action
Night of the Comet198485Comedy / Action
The Return of the Living Dead198585Comedy / Action
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 202084Action / Infection
Zombieland: Double Tap201983Comedy / Action
Fido200682Comedy / Action
Shaun Of The Dead200481Comedy / Action
28 Weeks Later200780Action / Infection
I Am Legend (2007)200780Action / Infection
The Evil Dead198180Classic / Action
Zombie197980Action / Horror
Overlord201879Action / Horror
It Stains The Sands Red201679Action / Infection
Infection201979Action / Infection
Plan Z201678Action / Infection
A Little Bit Zombie201278Comedy / Action
Dead Rising: Endgame201677Action / Infection
Day of the Dead198577Action / Horror / Classics
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse 202177Action / Infection
The Dead201076Action / Infection
Freaks of Nature201576Comedy / Action
Here Alone201675Suspense / Infection
Cockneys Vs. Zombies201275Comedy / Action
Shed of the Dead 201974Comedy / Action
The Battery201274Drama / Infection
State of Emergency201173Action / Infection
Survival Of The Dead200973Action / Horror
Alone202073Action / Infection
The Rezort201572Action / Infection
Dance of the Dead 200872Comedy / Action
Dawning of the Dead201772Action / Infection
Remains201172Action / Infection
Daylight's End201671Action / Infection
Witness Infection202171Comedy / Action
The Army of the Dead202171Action / Infection
The Dead 2: India201570Action / Infection
Zombie Hunter201370Action / Infection
Dead Rising: Watchtower 201570Action / Infection
Zombie Night201370Action / Infection
For A Few Zombies More201570Action / Infection
Night of the Living Deb201570Comedy / Romance
Resident Evil: Afterlife201070Action / Infection
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse201570Comedy / Action
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead201470Action / Infection
The Valley Of The Dead202170Horror / Infection
Bird Box201869Action / Horror / Possession
Exit Humanity201169Action / Infection
Among The Living202269Suspense / Horror
Ravenous201768Action / Infection
Blood Quantum201968Action / Infection
Republic Z201868Action / Comedy
The Night Eats The World201867Suspense / Infection
Forget Everything And Run (F.E.A.R.)202167Suspense / Horror
Quarantine200867Infection / Horror
Trench 11201766Action / Horror
Cargo201766Suspense / Infection
How To Kill A Zombie201466Action / Comedy
Ultimate Zombie Feast202066Shorts/ Action
Zoombies201665Awesomely Bad
Zombie Town200765Action / Horror
Dead County202165Drama / Horror
Zombie Apocalypse201164Action / Infection
Quarantine 2201164Action / Infection
The End?201764Horror / Infection
Red Spring201763Action / Infection
Resident Evil: Extinction200762Action / Infection
Virus:32202262Horror / Infection
Resident Evil Retribution201261Action / Infection
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter201660Action / Infection
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead202360Comedy / Action
Life After Beth201459Comedy / Action
Diary Of The Dead200758Action / Horror
Revelation Trail201357Action / Horror
My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse201556Comedy / Action
Eat Brains Love201956Comedy / Horror
Anna And The Apocalypse201755Musical / Infection
Deadsight201855Suspense / Infection
Bong of the Living Dead201754Action / Infection
Amigo Undead201554Comedy / Horror
The Dead Undead201053Action / Infection
Black Friday202153Action / Horror
Deadheads201152Comedy / Romance
Redcon-1201852Action / Horror
Day of the Dead: Bloodline201851Action / Infection
Dead Don't Die in Dallas201951Action / Infection / LGBTQ
Disaster L.A.201450Action
Road Wars201550Action / Infection
Within the Woods of Undead County201649Action / Infection
Zombie Strippers!200849Horror / Comedy
I Am Alone201548Action / Infection
Rise of The Zombies201248Action / Infection
Day Zero202348Horror / Infection
Valentine DayZ201847Action / Infection / Awesomely Bad
Savageland201546Horror / Drama
Lethal Virus202146Action / Horror
Zombie Warz: Falls The Shadow201145Action / Horror
Block Z202044Action / Infection
Bridge of the Doomed202244Horror / Infection
The Dead Don't Die201943Spoof / Drama
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City202143Action / Horror
Strain 100202042Action / Infection
The Plague200642Action / Horror
When the Fever Breaks201941Suspense / Infection
Before Dawn201341Drama / Action
Infected202141Action / Horror
Hostile201740Action / Infection
Zombie Undead201040Action / Infection
Dead Before Down201239Horror / Supernatural
Gangs Of The Dead200638Action / Infection
Zombies201737Action / Infection
American Zombieland202036Comedy / Infection
Another World201435Action / Infection
Deadlocked202035Action / Infection
Dead Trigger201735Action / Infection
Zombie Diaries 2201135Action / Infection
Cannon Fodder / Battle Of The Undead201335Action / Horror
KL24: Zombies201734Action / Infection
Evilution200934Action / Horror
Antisocial 2201533Action / Infection
Re-Elected202033Comedy / Suspense
Antisocial201332Action / Infection
Aquarium of the Dead202132Comedy / Horror
Dead 7201631Action / Infection
By Day's End202031Suspense / Infection
Pandemic201630Action / Infection
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies201729Comedy / Action
Zombie Hood201328Action / Infection
The Dustwalker201927Action / Parasite
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium200526Action / Infection
Anger Of The Dead201525Action / Infection
Solar Impact201925Action / Horror
The Last Hope201724Action / Infection
The Day of the Living Dead201423Drama / Detective
Zombie Road201822Shorts
Zombie Wars200721Action / Infection
Last Rites Of The Dead201920Drama / Thriller
Army of Thieves202120Heist / Horror
The Mad200719Comedy / Infection
The Living Dead202018Horror / Drama
Zone of the Dead200917Action / Infection
Killer Weekend201816Comedy / Not Zombies
G Zombie202115Drama / Infection
Quarantine L.A.201314Action / Infection
Driven202013Drama / Suspense
The Hive201412Demonic Possession / Horror
The Horde201611Action / Gore
The Last Starship201710Action / Infection
Rebirth202010Action / Horror
Rise of the Zombie20139Drama / Action
Rising Undead / Rise of the Undead20059Action / Horror
Flu20138Infection / Not Zombies
Plague20148Suspense / Drama
Red Days20167Action / Infection
The Returned20136Drama / Romance
Apocalypse Nerds20125Comedy / Action
Zombie with a Shotgun20194 Infection / Drama
Soon Enough20183Action / Drama
Range 1520162Comedy / Action
Army of the Dead20082Action / Horror
Eyes Of The Dead20151Action / Infection
Pandemic20091Drama / Action
Nazi Undead20181Paranormal / Horror
Dead End20030Horror / Thriller
Broadcast Dead 20180Horror / Thriller
Afflicted20130Drama / Infection
Carriers20090Drama / Not Zombies
Curse of the Blind Dead20200Horror / Not Zombies
All My Friends Are Dead20210Horror / Not Zombies

See all Zombie Movies here.

Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen

Clean water is critical to survival. You can live weeks without food, but without water you are dead. That means having this Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen can make the difference between life and death. As a basic rule you need one quart of water to survive and two quarts to stay in optimal shape. So you can plan on one of these 2 QT Water Canteens per day if you can’t resupply during the trip.

For car camping, I still like to bring a few 2 QT Water Canteens for drinking, and if water isn’t in short supply, I can even use these to clean up. I’m an old married man now, but when I was younger, that was important. For reasons. When camping. You figure it out.

Plan for the worst. That is what I do. I keep a few Canteens at the ready and at the first whiff of a storm or the Zombie Apocalypse I fill them up so I have them at the ready if the utilities go out. Depending on where you live, losing power can mean that the water in your pipes may no longer by safe to drink. I don’t take any risks, I always make sure I have Clean Water to drink.

When it comes to surviving the hot weather, the most important piece of gear in your arsenal is this Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen. The bottom line is that you are dead without water. If you are holed up, maybe you can live a few days, but if you are moving and fighting Zombies, you will be Zombie Chow if you can’t stay hydrated.

  • New 2 QT Collapsible Water Canteen.
  • Includes Insulated Desert Tan Canteen Pouch with Sling.
  • Measures Approximately 8″ high X 7″ wide X 3 1/2″ deep.
  • Color: DESERT TAN.
  • Genuine U.S. Military Issue! Made in USA!

Food/Cooking Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System980AquaBrick Portable Water Filtration System<br />
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingHigh-Capacity Water Filter System975High-Capacity Water Filter System$120
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw with Gravity Bag970LifeStraw with Gravity Bag$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Water Storage Tanks928Emergency Water Storage Tanks$1350
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingWater Purification Tablets922Water Purification Tablets$10
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBulk Sea Salt917Bulk Sea Salt$37
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Garden Seed Pack916Survival Garden Seed Pack$32
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLifeStraw Personal Water Filter915LifeStraw Personal Water Filter$18
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Survival Water Pouches910Emergency Survival Water Pouches$34
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMojave Hydration Backpack902Mojave Hydration Backpack$35
Extreme Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCollapsible 2 QT Water Canteen901Collapsible 2 QT Water Canteen$22
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPinto Beans871Pinto Beans$63
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingLong Grain White Rice870Long Grain White Rice$59
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Ground Beef817Cooked Ground Beef$75
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSurvival Coffee816Survival Coffee$115
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTree Stand806Tree Stand$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooked Diced Chicken804Cooked Diced Chicken$55
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Kit803Emergency Food Kit$120
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSouthwest Chili Mix802Southwest Chili Mix$37
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking15 Day Food Supply80115 Day Food Supply$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingInstant Nonfat Dry Milk799Instant Nonfat Dry Milk$21
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGame Processor Kit783Game Processor Kit$70
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingEmergency Food Rations763Emergency Food Rations$90
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Potato Shreds762Dehydrated Potato Shreds$27
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTundra Portable Wheeled Cooler725Tundra Portable Wheeled Cooler$450
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCut Resistant Gloves680Cut Resistant Gloves$10
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingButter Powder656Butter Powder$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingDehydrated Chopped Onions655Dehydrated Chopped Onions$12
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTravel Refrigerator537Travel Refrigerator$390
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingJerky Seasoning Kit533Jerky Seasoning Kit$20
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFood Dehydrator527Food Dehydrator$140
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPeanut Butter Powder517Peanut Butter Powder$17
High Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Pot Backpacking Mug514Titanium Pot Backpacking Mug$51
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSPAM366SPAM$33
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingBiscuits & Gravy351Biscuits & Gravy$10
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGatorade Powder Packets350Gatorade Powder Packets$26
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingScrambled Egg Mix310Scrambled Egg Mix$57
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingGas/Electric Chest Freezer301Gas/Electric Chest Freezer$1650
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSoy Sauce279Soy Sauce$23
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCooking Tripod275Cooking Tripod$43
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingAluminum Camping Cookware Set273Aluminum Camping Cookware Set$40
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFreeze Dried Sliced Strawberries266Freeze Dried Sliced Strawberries$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingMolle Water Bottle Pouch263Molle Water Bottle Pouch$11
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPortable Butane Stove259Portable Butane Stove$35
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingNeoprene Water Bottle Holder253Neoprene Water Bottle Holder$16
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug250YETI Rambler Half Gallon Jug
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSugar Packets248Sugar Packets$19
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Ice Pick232Titanium Ice Pick$50
Moderate Survival ImpactSurvival Food/Cooking6 Gallon Water Containers2146 Gallon Water Containers$35
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Hip Flask192Titanium Hip Flask$50
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingYETI Rambler 14 oz Mug191YETI Rambler 14 oz Mug$30
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingCookware Mess Kit189Cookware Mess Kit$56
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingPre-Seasoned Dutch Oven181Pre-Seasoned Dutch Oven$45
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFolding Campfire Grill179Folding Campfire Grill$87
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingSingle Serving Coffee Packs176Single Serving Coffee Packs$135
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingRootbeer Can Diversion Safe103Rootbeer Can Diversion Safe$13
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingChocolate Milk Mix97Chocolate Milk Mix$28
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingFishing Rod Storage50Fishing Rod Storage<br />
Low Survival ImpactSurvival Food/CookingTitanium Spork And Spoon26Titanium Spork And Spoon$17
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

Vehicle Snow Shovel

This Vehicle Snow Shovel is a must have for every one of my vehicles. When I gave my old cars to my boys they inherited the Snow Shovels in them. If you are going up into the high country, or just live where it snows, this is a critical survival item.

Why do you need this Vehicle Snow Shovel? If you get plowed in how else are you going to get yourself out without calling for help? Worse, what if you get stranded on a remote road? Your gas is only going to last so long. Don’t waste it. Dig yourself a shelter, and save the gas to use the heater when you really need it.

Because this Vehicle Snow Shovel only weighs 1.3lbs it is also perfect for camping and hiking. I’ve been on hikes where two feet of snow has fallen in the space of a few hours on the trail. It is really hard to start a fire and get warm if you can’t dig down to earth. Need a windbreak? You better have this Snow Shovel strapped to your backpack or you are going to get frost bite digging with your hands.

  • 3 Piece collapsible design.
  • Constructed of durable high-quality light aluminum.
  • Weighs just1.3 lbs.
  • Adjusts from 21” to 26” to 32”.

Vehicle Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactVehicle GearBack Seat Gun Rack920Back Seat Gun Rack$26
High Survival ImpactVehicle GearVehicle Snow Shovel800Vehicle Snow Shovel$32
High Survival ImpactVehicle GearFuel Transfer Pump Kit526Fuel Transfer Pump Kit$12
High Survival ImpactVehicle GearHickory Stick Tire Thumper509Hickory Stick Tire Thumper$20
High Survival ImpactVehicle GearHeavy Duty Tire Repair Kit505Heavy Duty Tire Repair Kit$25
High Survival ImpactVehicle GearNATO Steel Fuel Cans503NATO Steel Fuel Cans$100
High Survival ImpactVehicle GearDC Air Compressor Tire Inflator500DC Air Compressor Tire Inflator$30
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearInflatable Kayak271Inflatable Kayak$540
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearTire Traction Pads256Tire Traction Pads$100
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearHi Lift Jack230Hi-Lift Jack$93
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearPortable Power Bank Jump Starter229Portable Power Bank Jump Starter$200
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearTow Strap228Tow Strap$55
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearElectric Winch226Electric Winch$290
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearHitch Mount Cargo Carrier224Hitch Mount Cargo Carrier$200
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearHigh Power Light Bar223High Power Light Bar$72
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle Gear200W Car Power Inverter219200W Car Power Inverter$20
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearVehicle Camera System216Vehicle Camera System$280
Moderate Survival ImpactVehicle GearGarage Door Screens210Garage Door Screens$50
Low Survival ImpactVehicle GearTire Foam Diversion Safe186Tire Foam Diversion Safe$17
Low Survival ImpactVehicle GearTool Roll184Tool Roll$25
Low Survival ImpactVehicle GearBulk 55-60 Gallon Trash Bags173Bulk 55-60 Gallon Trash Bags$38
Low Survival ImpactVehicle Gear5 Gallon Bucket Toilet555 Gallon Bucket Toilet$40
Low Survival ImpactVehicle GearBlackout Window Film1Blackout Window Film$30
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.