Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 14

Day 1 tells the origin stories of our main characters, and does a kick *ss job of doing it.

The story starts with Citizen Z, in federal custody, about to go on trial for hacking when a man from the NSA comes with one last offer. We drop the charges if you work for us, while passing Citizen Z a very odd note…

Citizen Z Learns The Worlds Fate Before It Started

While Citizen is facing a hacker at Camp Northern Light, the Rest of Team Murphy has made it to the California border, and there isn’t much there. With all our survivors walking across a barren, destroyed landscape, there is plenty of time for each of them to remember where they were when the biting started.

Warren was in Trenton NJ when she encounters her first Z.

Warren’s First Z

It doesn’t take long for Warren to encounter Z’s two, three, and so on. Lucky for her she had a .45 on her hip and instinctively went for headshots as her army buddies come stumbling in.

Warren Takes Headshots


Next we get to see what Doc was going when the Zombie Apocalypse started, and I have to say, his story was one of my favorites. Doc was a drug and alcohol counselor, and I love his story.

The Drug & Alcohol Counselor

Doc is who I aspire to be. Fun, upbeat, and yet when push comes to shove, just fine with doing the shoving, and then hugging it out afterwards. After Doc helps the therapist next to him, he comes back and encounters his first Z, eating his patient.

Doc’s First Z

One of the things I love about Doc walking in on Zombie Lunchtime is how quickly he assesses the situation. He says he didn’t mean to intrude, but his eyebrows are already furrowed, going through the options before he settles on “It’s a damn Zombie.”

Sadly for Doc, his five years of sobriety prior to the Z are about to end, because when people starting eating people, a few drugs are in order.

Citizen Z

We cut back to Citizen Z next as he figures out what his hacker has been after. Someone hacked Camp Northern Light so they could keep track on the world’s most valuable asset…Murphy.

We then cut to Addy watching ice hockey and get a blast from the past as we learn how she and Mack ended up as survival partners. She’s watching the game when Mack and another skater get into a fist fight that is rapidly interrupted by an angry hobo zombie. If you look carefully in the shot below you can see just over the skaters right shoulder.

Addy’s First Z

Addy ends up saving Mack before they flee the stadium together. This was a fun segment, but it was tough seeing Mack again. I did enjoy the Addy and Mack segment though.

As 10K is watching the birds overhead its his turn to remember where he was when it started. Of all the backstories, 10K’s makes him look the youngest. He’s out fishing when he stumbles upon a game warden with a few arrows stuck in her.

10K’s First Z

Lucky for 10K his father is there to pick off a few of the horde.

The next flashback is just as heartbreaking as Addy’s. Vasquez is at the funeral parlor for his wife and daughter when the outbreak hits.

Vasquez’s First Z

Sadly for Vasquez, after he takes care of the mortuary attendant, he has to face his turned wife as she breaks out of her casket.

Vasquez Facing His Family

The final flashback belongs to Murphy. He’s in prison, playing cards in the yard when the outbreak hits. It feels so wrong to see Murphy without blue skin!!!

Murphy In Prison

The card game doesn’t last long. Two inmates get into a fight and after one stabs the other a few times, Murphy gets introduced to what is about to become his life as the stabbee quickly turns…

Murphy’s First Z

Murphy survives, but as he flees the yard, he is true to his “Murphy First” policy, locking the door behind him.

The writer’s have done an amazing job making Murphy a complete d*ck, but yet he’s likable. It’s one of those things about Z Nation that is just so well done. Murphy is a horrible person in many ways, but he also has moments of good that shine through. I guess that appeals to all of us for obvious reasons.

Murphy’s scene ends with him telling Warren he doesn’t want to keep going. He’s scared and is afraid it will hurt. Warren tells him she’s not going to lie, It might hurt, but it’s what has to happen.

We then cut to Citizen Z coming to the realization that someone has been using him to track Murphy the whole time, and he shuts down the servers that are left, trying to protect people he’s never met, but has a deep connection to.

Day 1  ends with Team Murphy reaching the west coast. They’ve reached the ocean, and are just a few steps away from the meeting place where the CDC is supposed to pick them up and help make a vaccine from Murphy’s blood.

Instead of finding a CDC lab Team Murphy finds themselves at a diner, or a Greasy Spoon as Murphy says. Warren and Vasquez go in to check it out only to find an older woman behind the counter, ready to offer tea while she keeps a MAC-10 just out of sight.

Day 1 Scoring

Day 1 was just a masterpiece in flashbacks and scored a 90/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 13

Adiós, Muchachos picks up pretty much where Party with the Zeros left off. Vasquez is about to get a bullet before Dr. Kurian is instructed to test his serum. Only, La Reina makes Dr. Kurian stop and test it on himself instead.

Vasquez on the verge of being a zombie serum test subject.

Why? I don’t really know, but it does save Vasquez for the short term as La Reina grows excited as Dr. Kurian survives getting bitten by a Zombie in a box.

Zombie In A Box

With proof in the biting that Dr. Kurian didn’t turn, La Reina has her inner circle and multiple other Zeros injected with the serum. Only, its not a Zombie Vaccine, its just enough of Murphy’s blood to turn the humans so he can control them.

What could go wrong?

Murphy at least had the good grace not to let his core team of companions get injected, which is a good thing, because as the serum takes hold, those injected aren’t just susceptible to Murphy’s mind control, but they slowly turn and appear to hunger for a bit of Murphy directly.

Murphy Snacks

With the Zeros turning on Murphy the team rescues Vasquez before fleeing the compound by releasing the horde of Undead the Zeros keep for composting. Once free of the lower levels Vasquez finally gets what he came for, revenge on the Escorpion for killing his wife and daughter.

Team Murphy then raid the Zeros garage and head out in an assortment of new wheels.

New Wheels

Adiós, Muchachos Scoring

Adiós, Muchachos scored a 69/100 putting it in Save For A Rainy Day territory. There is a lot of drama and politics, but not so much action. Still, it was a fun episode.

Fight me if you disagree…

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 9

Rozwell takes place in Roswell New Mexico, the home of the Roswell UFO incident in the summer of 1947. Some things never change.

Rozwell starts with a bang. A pretty young lady is being chased by a zombie until she’s saved by a mysterious flying object we don’t quite see, but we do see its capabilities. The flying object takes care of the Zombie while leaving the young lady unharmed.

UFO Taking Out A Zombie

Team Murphy isn’t far off and they have there own experience with the UFO before it disappears in a flash. A little ways down the road Team Murphy finds a diner full of survivors who are UFO believers. Hard core believers. Our blond friend from the first few moments of Rozwell is their leader, and after a bit of discussion and prompting from 10K, she agrees to take Team Murphy to the nearby military based.

On the way to the base the team sees the remnants of Zombies, as well as the “Triangle Zombie”. Something other than normal is definitely going on.

Triangle Zombie

Once at the base the team is treated to a fun elevator ride as they descend into the secret subterranean military base. The team encounters technology that shouldn’t exist, as well as armored beings that are nearly bullet proof. Nearly, but not quite.

In the end we find out that twisted love is to blame for a lot what is going on in Rozwell. Team Murphy moves on while our blond friend in charge of the UFO worshipers decides to continue her journey, regardless of the truth.

Rozwell Scoring

Rozwell  scored a 69/100, putting it just 1 point away from Worth Your Time territory. The UFO stuff was fun, but I do like me a little more classic Zombie killing as well.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 7

Down the Mississippi introduces us to the Dentists. Only, they aren’t the good natured dentation fairies they pretend to be. No, they just want to get you strapped into a chair so they can add you to their collection. Why? Well, we’ll find out in a little bit.

Murderous Dentists

Team Murphy meanwhile finds themselves on the Mississippi after commandeering a pontoon boat. They don’t get far before they come across some old friends, Sketchy, and Skeezy.

Sketchy and Skeezy

Those of you who are Z Nation fans will know that Addy’s Z Whacker was purchased from Sketchy. That happened way back in the very first episode, Puppies and Kittens. That kind of makes them family don’t you think?

Zombie Log Jam

Things quickly go south after Team Murphy picks up Skeezy and Sketchy. Skeezy tried to warn them, but not one wants to listen. At least until they are in the midst of a Zombie Jam.

Zombie Jam

With Zombies warming the boat the team is forced to go overboard, and in the process they get seperated.

Sketchy, Skeezy, and 10K end up on one side of the river while the rest of Team Murphy finds themselves on the other. This episode really shows Doc’s character. The others were willing to move on, but 10K is Doc’s friend, and Doc isn’t willing to just leave him behind.

Skeezy, Sketchy, and 10K have a few small adventures culminating with them stealing the empty Dentists vehicle while the drivers are in the woods doing their business. They end driving into a freaky town that uses Zombies as a power source.

This brings the Zero’s into the picture, because when they show up with the Dentists in tow, we realize the whole place is really just a Gangster profit generating tool, and they aren’t pleased that their Zombie Dentist truck was stollen.

Down the Mississippi Scoring

Team 10K is about to get hung for their crimes against the Zero Cartel when Team Murphy whos up with Doc to save their butts. This was a fun, silly episode that focused more on character development than Zombies, but it was so well done it scored an 87/100.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 4

Batch 47 finds the Team at a Zombie pot farm. Literally. Zombies have merged with the pot plants, and thus we have Z Weed. The only problem is that the Zombies have fused with the pot, and harvesting Z weed makes them angry.

I love Z Nation’s mix of frenetic violence, fun characters, and the way it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Usually, this is great. Batch 47 takes it just a little bit too out there. Obviously you have to watch it because who just skips an episode in the middle of a series. But, my suggestion is that you have a few drinks to help you through it.

Or, better yet, if you live in a state where its legal. Light up a little bit bit of the green and pren

After the last few powerhouse episodes Batch 47 just doesn’t cut it. It was fun at times, but also silly, and I’m giving it a 60/100, putting it in Rainy Day Territory.

Batch 47 Scoring

The big news doesn’t happen until almost at the very end of the episode when Murphy’s Baby Momma shows up, and she is about to pop!

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

See how all Zombie Series rank here!

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 3

Zombie Road feels like Z Nation’s tribute to the Mad Max franchise., and they did a great job. Zombie Road opens with two marauders who have run a vehicle off the road and assassinate the passengers. This leads to one of the best one liners of the episode. Marauder 1 gets mad at Marauder 2 for using his firearm.

Marauder 1: Every Blaster within 5 miles heard that!!!

Marauder 2: Don’t be so negative, worry is poison. That’s why you don’t crap right.

Z NationZombie Road

It was silly and dumb, but it made me laugh. Then both Marauders got violently eaten by radiation mutated zombies. We just got introduced to Blasters, the new, very fast, and very deadly zombies that the fallout has created.

Marauder Eaten Alive

On The Road

Team Murphy is on the road. They are trying to get further away from the nuclear fall out when they encounter another group of survivors. The other group is being ambushed. Team Murphy watches from afar before deciding to act. Warren and the team tell their new member that they are going to help, because they are still good people.


Warren and team help defend the small convoy from the bandits, but its not long before more bandits lead to a series of action packed gun battles.

We also get introduced to Z Weed, which on top of being relaxing and giving you the munchies, seems to make Cassandra remember a little bit of who she was before Murphy bit her.

Life post zombie apocalypse has been made significantly worse by the zombies being exposed to fallout. These “Blasters” are fast, can take a ton of damage and keep going, and worst of fall, they are immune to whatever power Murphy has over the normal undead.

For me, the Best Zombie Kill was when one of the Blasters fell off the semi and got sucked under the tires.

Zombie Road ends with Murphy, Cassandra, and Wrecking Ball have slipped away in one of the convoys cars, and thanks to Wrecking Ball and his tales of Z Weed and a potential strain of Z Weed as a cure, Murphy is all in on making his way to the source of the Z Weed in Minneapolis.

This sets us up for the next episode for Warren and team to chase after Murphy, and for us to find out more about Z Weed.

Zombie Road Scoring

Zombie Road had lots of action, gore, and violence, and scored a 90/100. What cost it a few points? The first is the same thing that cost last episode some points. People are shooting at other people in the open, who are not far off, and keep missing. The second was the “sick bus”. Everyone knows that when you die you turn, so it seems silly to keep a bunch of nearly dead, sick people, where they can get to you. Still, there was a ton of action in Zombie Road, and that is worth every other point this episode got.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 2

White Light picks up where The Murphy left off. Citizen Z’s attempt to make sure that Murphy gets to the CDC backfires. Everyone wants the bounty. The bounty hungers are willing to kill anyone who gets in their way. This leads to a crazy free for all.

Free For All

Everyone is trying to get to Murphy at the same time they are trying to kill each other. Bullets are flying. Unfortunately Doc and 10K are pinned down by sniper fire. This leads to one of the most intense scenes in White Light. Doc is strangled, and only just survives. You can’t kill Doc!

He is one my favorite characters. Nothing better happen to Doc! Sadly, not everyone is as lucky as Doc. We lose another member of the crew in the human vs human vs zombie free for all.

While all hell is breaking loose in Cheyenne Wyoming, Citizen Z is fighting for both his life. Camp Northern Light is under attack. Citizen Z fights, and kills several fast, ex military zombies. Lucky for us, he’s up to the task.

After lots of shooting and violence, they catch Murphy. Addy nearly beats him to death. She clearly blames Murphy for making them chase him, which cost Mack his life.

White Light Scoring

I’m giving White Light an 81/100. There was a lot of action, but it bugs me when there is just tons of shooting as people cross open ground. Everyone who films a shooting scene should go play a few rounds of airsoft. Why? Because it is not like the movies. Being in the open means you will be hit.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Quarantine L.A. (2013)

You all owe me one. Watching Quarantine L.A. was like having dental work with no Novocain. Not just painful, but torture. I tried to get into it. I really did. The movie is just missing that spark for me.

Why? What made the movie less than watchable? The acting is horrible. Lots of over acting. Mix that with people who react in ways that don’t make sense for the situation. Then we can talk about the CGI and practical effects. The special effects are atrocious. They are bad enough that I was left wondering if they were done as a school project. The special effects are that bad. The plot, what little of it I could understand, was written by a five year old. Maybe that kid had a cold. Which would explain how a five year old could also be high on cold medicine right? Finally, the dialogue was just as bad. I’ve enjoyed some really bad movies. This was not one of them.

Quarantine L.A. Scoring

Quarantine L.A. earned a 14/100. It’s no the worst movie I’ve ever watched, but its only 14 points away from that dubious honor. This is a Just Bad movie. Skip it.

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Train To Busan2016100Action / Infection
28 Days Later2002100Action / Infection
World War Z2013100Action / Infection
Night Of The Living Dead1968100Action / Horror / Classics
Dawn Of The Dead1978100Action / Horror / Classics
#Alive2020100Action / Infection
Serenity200599Action / Sci-Fi
Flesh And Blood201899Shorts
The Girl With All The Gifts201695Action / Infection
Land Of The Dead200594Action / Horror
Resident Evil: Apocalypse200493Action / Infection
Resident Evil200292Action / Infection
Rampant201891Action / Infection / Mid Evil
Day of the Dead200890Action / Infection
Cooties201489Comedy / Action
Night of the Comet198485Comedy / Action
The Return of the Living Dead198585Comedy / Action
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 202084Action / Infection
Zombieland: Double Tap201983Comedy / Action
Fido200682Comedy / Action
Shaun Of The Dead200481Comedy / Action
28 Weeks Later200780Action / Infection
I Am Legend (2007)200780Action / Infection
The Evil Dead198180Classic / Action
Zombie197980Action / Horror
Overlord201879Action / Horror
It Stains The Sands Red201679Action / Infection
Infection201979Action / Infection
Plan Z201678Action / Infection
A Little Bit Zombie201278Comedy / Action
Dead Rising: Endgame201677Action / Infection
Day of the Dead198577Action / Horror / Classics
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse 202177Action / Infection
The Dead201076Action / Infection
Freaks of Nature201576Comedy / Action
Here Alone201675Suspense / Infection
Cockneys Vs. Zombies201275Comedy / Action
Shed of the Dead 201974Comedy / Action
The Battery201274Drama / Infection
State of Emergency201173Action / Infection
Survival Of The Dead200973Action / Horror
Alone202073Action / Infection
The Rezort201572Action / Infection
Dance of the Dead 200872Comedy / Action
Dawning of the Dead201772Action / Infection
Remains201172Action / Infection
Daylight's End201671Action / Infection
Witness Infection202171Comedy / Action
The Army of the Dead202171Action / Infection
The Dead 2: India201570Action / Infection
Zombie Hunter201370Action / Infection
Dead Rising: Watchtower 201570Action / Infection
Zombie Night201370Action / Infection
For A Few Zombies More201570Action / Infection
Night of the Living Deb201570Comedy / Romance
Resident Evil: Afterlife201070Action / Infection
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse201570Comedy / Action
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead201470Action / Infection
The Valley Of The Dead202170Horror / Infection
Bird Box201869Action / Horror / Possession
Exit Humanity201169Action / Infection
Among The Living202269Suspense / Horror
Ravenous201768Action / Infection
Blood Quantum201968Action / Infection
Republic Z201868Action / Comedy
The Night Eats The World201867Suspense / Infection
Forget Everything And Run (F.E.A.R.)202167Suspense / Horror
Quarantine200867Infection / Horror
Trench 11201766Action / Horror
Cargo201766Suspense / Infection
How To Kill A Zombie201466Action / Comedy
Ultimate Zombie Feast202066Shorts/ Action
Zoombies201665Awesomely Bad
Zombie Town200765Action / Horror
Dead County202165Drama / Horror
Zombie Apocalypse201164Action / Infection
Quarantine 2201164Action / Infection
The End?201764Horror / Infection
Red Spring201763Action / Infection
Resident Evil: Extinction200762Action / Infection
Virus:32202262Horror / Infection
Resident Evil Retribution201261Action / Infection
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter201660Action / Infection
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead202360Comedy / Action
Life After Beth201459Comedy / Action
Diary Of The Dead200758Action / Horror
Revelation Trail201357Action / Horror
My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse201556Comedy / Action
Eat Brains Love201956Comedy / Horror
Anna And The Apocalypse201755Musical / Infection
Deadsight201855Suspense / Infection
Bong of the Living Dead201754Action / Infection
Amigo Undead201554Comedy / Horror
The Dead Undead201053Action / Infection
Black Friday202153Action / Horror
Deadheads201152Comedy / Romance
Redcon-1201852Action / Horror
Day of the Dead: Bloodline201851Action / Infection
Dead Don't Die in Dallas201951Action / Infection / LGBTQ
Disaster L.A.201450Action
Road Wars201550Action / Infection
Within the Woods of Undead County201649Action / Infection
Zombie Strippers!200849Horror / Comedy
I Am Alone201548Action / Infection
Rise of The Zombies201248Action / Infection
Day Zero202348Horror / Infection
Valentine DayZ201847Action / Infection / Awesomely Bad
Savageland201546Horror / Drama
Lethal Virus202146Action / Horror
Zombie Warz: Falls The Shadow201145Action / Horror
Block Z202044Action / Infection
Bridge of the Doomed202244Horror / Infection
The Dead Don't Die201943Spoof / Drama
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City202143Action / Horror
Strain 100202042Action / Infection
The Plague200642Action / Horror
When the Fever Breaks201941Suspense / Infection
Before Dawn201341Drama / Action
Infected202141Action / Horror
Hostile201740Action / Infection
Zombie Undead201040Action / Infection
Dead Before Down201239Horror / Supernatural
Gangs Of The Dead200638Action / Infection
Zombies201737Action / Infection
American Zombieland202036Comedy / Infection
Another World201435Action / Infection
Deadlocked202035Action / Infection
Dead Trigger201735Action / Infection
Zombie Diaries 2201135Action / Infection
Cannon Fodder / Battle Of The Undead201335Action / Horror
KL24: Zombies201734Action / Infection
Evilution200934Action / Horror
Antisocial 2201533Action / Infection
Re-Elected202033Comedy / Suspense
Antisocial201332Action / Infection
Aquarium of the Dead202132Comedy / Horror
Dead 7201631Action / Infection
By Day's End202031Suspense / Infection
Pandemic201630Action / Infection
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies201729Comedy / Action
Zombie Hood201328Action / Infection
The Dustwalker201927Action / Parasite
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium200526Action / Infection
Anger Of The Dead201525Action / Infection
Solar Impact201925Action / Horror
The Last Hope201724Action / Infection
The Day of the Living Dead201423Drama / Detective
Zombie Road201822Shorts
Zombie Wars200721Action / Infection
Last Rites Of The Dead201920Drama / Thriller
Army of Thieves202120Heist / Horror
The Mad200719Comedy / Infection
The Living Dead202018Horror / Drama
Zone of the Dead200917Action / Infection
Killer Weekend201816Comedy / Not Zombies
G Zombie202115Drama / Infection
Quarantine L.A.201314Action / Infection
Driven202013Drama / Suspense
The Hive201412Demonic Possession / Horror
The Horde201611Action / Gore
The Last Starship201710Action / Infection
Rebirth202010Action / Horror
Rise of the Zombie20139Drama / Action
Rising Undead / Rise of the Undead20059Action / Horror
Flu20138Infection / Not Zombies
Plague20148Suspense / Drama
Red Days20167Action / Infection
The Returned20136Drama / Romance
Apocalypse Nerds20125Comedy / Action
Zombie with a Shotgun20194 Infection / Drama
Soon Enough20183Action / Drama
Range 1520162Comedy / Action
Army of the Dead20082Action / Horror
Eyes Of The Dead20151Action / Infection
Pandemic20091Drama / Action
Nazi Undead20181Paranormal / Horror
Dead End20030Horror / Thriller
Broadcast Dead 20180Horror / Thriller
Afflicted20130Drama / Infection
Carriers20090Drama / Not Zombies
Curse of the Blind Dead20200Horror / Not Zombies
All My Friends Are Dead20210Horror / Not Zombies

See all Zombie Movies here.

Black Summer, Season 1, Episode 6

Heist opens on two soldiers, passing the time on a roof with a game of chess. Oddly, there are hand drawn maps strewn about, and the soldiers appear to be watching a specific building.

Playing Chess

The soldiers watch as Rose and William’s small band of survivors approach. They are then admitted into what looks like some kind of survivors stronghold. Or maybe a gang’s stronghold? It looks like they are making drugs, and the more we get to see, the worse it looks.

Black Summer

Rose is separated from the main group and put into a dingy community room with a lot of other survivors. This includes Lance, who is in rough shape. He sees Rose, but can barely get a few words out. Whatever Rose is in for, it does not sound good.


The other survivors are taken to an empty hall. The survivors from the truck have apparently brought William, Rose, and Spears back to their base of operations in order to steal weapons and supplies.

Weapons Stockpile

The group is able to get to the weapons stockpile and load up, thanks to the help from their new member with working knowledge of the site. Our team of survivors regroups, save for Rose, and begins to make their way out of the gang stronghold.

In order to make their escape William turns off the main power. This immediately results in a bit of gunplay, which releases biters into the mix. The plan just want to sh*t.

While all this is going on Rose is in trouble. The bald guy who let the group in goes back to Rose and tries to force himself on her. He only stops because Lance screams at him, distracting him until the lights go out. The big bald guy leaves to find out what is happening.

Let’s just say the big guy is quickly swarmed.


This was one of my favorite scenes from Heist. One man, a bunch of zombies, and some snacking.

Rose and Lance use the chaos to flee, but there are biters everywhere, and Lance appears to be drugged, wounded, or a bit of both. They make it out a side door, but William, Spears, and the others are still inside.

The Vent Crawl

Sun has it the worst. She’s crawling through the vents with their inside man when he catches a burst of gunfire from below. Now Sun has to crawl for her life. Lucky for her, Spears is there to put a few bullets into the biters head to save her.

We then get to see exactly what started the biting. The young woman from the truck who joined the team at the Diner goes into one of the dance halls and puts her knife through someone’s neck, and it definitely looked like she knew him, and it was personal.

Heist Scoring

Heist was another rock solid episode and scores an 90/100 for intensity, first rate acting, and atmosphere. It lost just a couple of points for not quite explaining what was going on. They mention it in the last episode, but a single sentence of dialogue at the begging of this one to reinforce the plan would have been nice.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Human Flow85
13Summer School70
17The Tunnel83
18The Stadium91
21The Cold95
23Card Game91
24Cold War83
25White Horse88
27The Lodge75
28The Plane99

See how all Zombie Series rank here!

Z Nation, Season 1, Episode 12

Murphy’s Law finds Team Murphy forced off the road by a traffic jam, which leads them to a defunct golf course crawling with zombies.

Post Apocalyptic Traffic Jam

Things don’t go well for the team once they at the golf course. There are too many zombies rushing them, and not enough bullets left in their guns. The Team gets split up and Murphy gets left out in the mix while Warren and the other “normals” take shelter in a bathroom.

Things are looking good for the team, but lucky for them, another group of survivors rolls in, and they are well armed and clear out the clubhouse, saving the day. At least for a few minutes. The group of newcomers saw Murphy in the midst of the undead, and they realize he’s something special, and they want him.

A few drinks and roofies later and the newcomers steal away with murphy. leaving everyone else handcuffed to a zombie.

Cuffed to a Zombie

While the newcomers explain their plan to Murphy, the team is escaping from their cuffs. The plan is simple. The newcomers want Murphy to stroll through a pharmaceutical plant and get them oxy, because in the post apocalyptic world, oxy is money.

Citizen Z helps the team track Murphy once they escape their cuffs, while Murphy makes it into the plant.

Things go a little crazy at the end, and a major new Murphy Power is revealed. Thankfully, Team Murphy is united, kicks some butt, and gets ready for the season finale.

Murphy’s Law Scoring

Murphy’s Law scored an 80/100 and is Worth Your Time. The Best Zombie Kill for this episode is clear, Warren is a zombie killing machine.

Best Zombie Kill – Warren The Tank

Warren Kicking Butt
SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70